The mini-games

Inside the fun area there are three mini-games with different levels of difficulty.
The child is able to understand how he is progressing with the aid of appropriate audio and visual feedback, which help to understand the errors without discourage him.
Guarda e componi

The Video scenario describes the day in which the child receives Lexis il mostro and the intermediate level of the game Guarda e componi.

This game aims to enhance the visual short-term memory and working memory. The goal is to recognize the word or the picture and associate it with the letters to make the corresponding word.
Scegli e componi

The video shows the inserisci level of the game Scegli e componi.

The goal of this game is to identify the missing or superfluous letter. The aims is to improve the cognitive processes involved in visual letter recognition and sequencing skills.
Ascolta e componi

The video prototype shows the easy level of the game Ascolta e componi.
This game is based on the reinforcement of auditory memory, short-term memory and working memory. The goal is associate letters with their corresponding sounds.

To build the prototype I used the software development kit (SDK) released by Sifteo Inc.